Developing 21st Century Leaders
The Sioux City Community School District has been designated a Future Ready District by the U.S. Department of Education. The characteristics of Future Ready districts include: building the right infrastructure, imagining the classrooms of the future, ensuring teachers are ready to utilize and benefit from technology, preparing administrators to lead and support teachers as they utilize technology, and including parents, community members, school board members, and others in discussions.
Future Ready teams have designed a road map to achieve success and to commit our district to move as quickly as possible towards a shared vision of preparing students for success in college, career, and citizenship. This road map can only be accomplished through a systemic approach to change, as outlined in the Future Ready Framework. With personalized student learning at the center, a district must align each of the seven (7) key categories, called “Gears”, in order to ensure a successful digital conversion
The 7 Gears of the Future Ready Framework
The outside rings of the framework emphasize the need for collaborative leadership and the cycle of transformation where districts vision, plan, implement and assess continually. Once our district is strategically staged in each gear, district leaders can be confident that they are ready for a highly successful implementation phase that leads to innovation empowered by digital learning.
We’ve had huge success with the Future Ready Cohort project for several years and will be continuing the project for years to come.
Learn more about the 7 Gears of the Future Ready Framework

Our Future Ready Pledge
- Foster and lead a culture of digital learning within our schools.
- Help schools and families transition to high-speed connectivity.
- Empower educators through professional learning opportunities.
- Accelerate progress toward universal access for all students to quality devices.
- Provide access to quality digital content.
- Offer digital tools to help students and families #ReachHigher.