Welcome to the SCCSD Virtual School
The Sioux City Community School District is proud to introduce a Virtual School for students who excel in an online learning environment. Because the Virtual School offers a dedicated online learning experience, any student from any school district in Iowa can enroll. The Virtual School is available for students in grades K-12 and is offered at no cost to families.
Naming the Virtual School
As a new school in the Sioux City Community School District, we’re working to build a sense of community for our online students. You can help develop the future of our Virtual School by participating in the school naming process. Click here to access the SCCSD Virtual School Naming Thought Exchange, where you can submit naming ideas and rank current names under consideration. Later this spring, we’ll announce the name of our new school.
Participate in the ThoughtExchange to Name the Virtual School
Virtual School Curriculum
Sioux City Community Schools use District and Iowa Core Standards to ensure all students, kindergarten through twelfth grade, meet or exceed expected learning outcomes at every grade level. Students enrolled in Virtual School will have access to high-quality common core classes.
Learn more about the curriculum and subjects taught through Virtual School.
Virtual School Instruction
Students in the Virtual School experience the same high-quality education as their peers attending school on-site. Students will receive instruction from certified Sioux City Community School District teachers dedicated to creating an engaging and enriching online learning environment.
Virtual learning will occur five days a week. The number of hours students will be logged into virtual instruction versus the number of hours spent on assigned work will vary by grade level and course.
Students are expected to complete coursework for the virtual courses daily. Due dates for assignments need to be met. Grades will be issued and credits awarded in secondary coursework. Grade level advancement will be determined at the end of the school year.
Devices and Tech Support to Enhance the Student Experience
Each student enrolled in Virtual School will be given a laptop or learning device. This device is the District’s property but will remain in the student’s possession throughout the school year. Students will be required to use the device for various class and curriculum activities. Students will need to be connected to a high-speed internet connection to engage in the online classroom and fulfill virtual learning requirements.
Before instruction begins, students will be taught procedures that include:
- Accessing Outlook e-mail
- Accessing Outlook calendar
- Joining Teams meetings
- Participating appropriately during instruction delivered through Teams
- Accessing the District “landing page” that holds the District supported and most commonly used programs/applications
- Accessing and navigating within Canvas or Seesaw
- Accessing the help desk for technical questions or problems
Click here for SCCSD Tech Support Assistance
Parent Engagement
The partnership between the school and parents/guardians is critical for student success in the Virtual School. In the traditional classroom, teachers actively support, redirect, guide, and enrich student learning. In a virtual classroom, parents/guardians need to be present to provide the support, redirection, guidance, and enrichment for their child. This level of engagement is especially important for students in grades K-5.
View the Virtual School FAQ or contact us through Let’s Talk!