Make a Difference in the Lives of Students
The Sioux City Community School District exists so that our students believe in their talents and skills, achieve academic excellence, and succeed in reaching their potential at every stage of their lives. Volunteers play a very important role in helping our district accomplish its mission. So, thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer in our district. Your time will make a positive difference in the success of our students.
How to Get Started
Contact the school of your choice for current volunteer opportunities. View a complete list of schools here. Following the principal’s approval, please complete the volunteering background check form.
The Sioux City Community School District has a responsibility for, and a strong commitment to, ensuring the safety of the students we serve. All volunteers must give their consent to the district allowing for the request of information concerning their criminal history.
Once the volunteer background check form has been completed, the principal will follow-up with more information.
The success of our students requires commitment from the entire community. We’re excited for the support that you will provide in the pursuit of our mission!