Virtual Backpack Submissions

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Virtual Backpack

Virtual Backpack Submissions

The Virtual Backpack replaces traditional flyer distribution. Because the 2020-2021 school year requires the District to move between three learning models with fluidity, and because we also have a population of Virtual Learners to support, this online flyerboard ensures all students have equal access to information no matter what learning model the District is using. The online flyerboard is a free service for our local non-profit community partners and it’s an environmentally friendly format for information dissemination.

From camps to sports leagues to family services, the SCCSD Virtual Backpack is here to serve as a link between community partners and our students and families. Submit a virtual backpack request below.

Submission Guidelines

Below is a list of Frequently Asked Questions. Read through the questions and answers to understand the requirements for our Virtual Backpack. Then, submit your online application for approval.

Who can submit?

The Sioux City Community School District allows non-profit organizations and Sioux City Community School District school groups to share information on the Virtual Backpack. Flyers must be informational in nature and appropriate for students. Activities should relate to an event or purpose specifically for school-age children.

How is my flyer approved?

The District communications department reviews all flyer submissions for the Virtual Backpack. Once submitted, please allow up to five days for materials to be reviewed. If edits are required, a notice will be sent back to the requesting organization. Flyers are published once a week on the website.

What can I submit?

The online form prompts you to provide specific details about your event or program. You are encouraged to upload a PDF flyer about your event/program. Flyers must contain the organization’s name, address and phone number in a conspicuous location.

Does my flyer need a disclaimer?

Yes, each flyer provided by non-profit partners MUST include the following disclaimer in legible, bold print, in a conspicuous location on the materials. If the materials contain more than one page, this statement must appear on each page.


How will my flyer be shared?

Families and students can visit the Virtual Backpack flyerboard to view all upcoming events and programs. Each month, the flyerboard information is also shared on social media and through school newsletters.