Life Academy

The LIFE Academy is a post high school program that is needed to complete IEP goals. We focus on adult skills and behaviors. We aim for our students to have a social network of personally meaningful relationships, to be safe and healthy, to have a variety of places to engage in meaningful activities, to teach functional academics and vocational skills related to work and life. We refer to our LIFE philosophy as students succeed in adulthood with individualized expectations in the classroom and in the community.

Life Academy Outcomes and Goals

The L.I.F.E. Academy is a post-high school program that is needed to complete IEP goals.  We focus on adult skills and behaviors.  We aim for our students to have a social network of personally meaningful relationships, to be safe and healthy, to have a variety of places to engage in meaningful activities, to teach functional academics and vocational skills related to work and life.  We refer to our L.I.F.E philosophy as students succeed in adulthood with individualized expectations in the classroom and in the community.

What does LIFE stand for?

L stands for learning
We concentrate on learning skills necessary for your student to be successful in their adult life.

I stands for independence
We work at making your student as independent as they can be. We teach the students skills about responsible adult decisions and expect this from them. Natural consequences are the best achievement tool that we can use.

F stands for fun
We want our students to be socially appropriate and look at activities that they can do after the L.I.F.E. Academy. We want to teach them how to be appropriate in a variety of social situations.

E stands for employment
We assess and teach the skills necessary to be successful in the working world. We aim to have experiences that are realistic but also have high expectations.

Can I take classes at WITCC and go to L.I.F.E. Academy?

No, WITCC and the L.I.F.E. Academy are two different programs. If you are able to take classes at WITCC, it is expected that the student can take a college-level course independently. The L.I.F.E. Academy is not a prep program for college as we are more focused on functional life skills.

We were formerly called the L.I.F.E. Academy in the Sioux City Community Schools.  To help prevent some confusion with other programs and L.I.F.E. Academy services offered at WITCC and within the school district, we changed our name to the LIFE Academy starting the 2014-15 school year.

Life Academy Schedule

Worksites, functional academics, social skills
Go to Briar Cliff College for PE class with college students, ride the Sioux City Transit bus, eat lunch at the college
Worksites, functional academics, special activities, grocery store trips, cooking
Community outings and cooking skills
Bake Otis Spunkmeyer cookies, sell them in the community, clean classrooms, lunch in the WITCC cafeteria, and social/leisure time

Contact a Life Academy Instructor