Focus 2022: Goal 3

Goal Area 3 Goal Three

Attract and Support Highly Effective Teachers, Leaders, and Staff


A. Provide differentiated, effective, job embedded professional development to build capacity to teach all students

  • All departments should collaborate to coordinate and facilitate relevant professional development based on identified needs.
  • The Teacher Leadership and Compensation System should deliver job-embedded professional development to teachers and support teachers to ensure instruction strengthens across the District.
  • Evidence of growth and collaborative reflection should result from professional development.

B. Recruit and hire the most qualified people, develop them deliberately and retain them strategically

  • Increase retention of highly effective employees.
  • Identify anticipated vacancies or needs early and develop a strategy for recruitment.
  • Increase recruitment efforts to ensure high caliber applicants apply for all open positions.
  • Identify “hard to fill” positions and develop a proactive strategy to increase the applicant pool.
  • Develop dashboards that communicate key data to employee groups to enhance focus on department goals.
  • Develop a strong program to develop and support administrators and potential administrators.
  • Work closely with institutions of higher education and identify District needs to impact teacher preparation programs.

C. Enhance the process by which employees are recognized and rewarded for continued exemplary and innovative performance

  • Continue to use True Speak to improve the culture within the District.
  • Examine current evaluation tools.
  • Use exit interviews to determine areas of improvement.

D. Develop structures that support personnel at all levels to build skills necessary for professional growth, leadership opportunities or career advancement

  • Continue to monitor the effectiveness of the teacher leadership and compensation system.
  • Identify future leaders early in careers and provide learning opportunities to foster their growth and provide support as they advance vertically within the system.
  • Embed strong customer service beliefs into practices for all employee groups.
  • Provide training for employees to work effectively with subgroups of students, such as English Language Learners and special education, to effectively meet the learning needs of students.