
March 15, 2018 Achievements

SCCSD schools honored for creating safe, positive environments

The Iowa Department of Education has awarded 110 schools statewide for their work on implementing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). PBIS is a multi-tiered system of support for behavior and provides the framework for teachers to provide and monitor prevention and intervention practices.

The schools’ work in PBIS focuses on conditions to support learning by providing positive, predictable and safe environments. If done effectively, PBIS has been shown to reduce major disciplinary infractions, reduce out-of-school suspension, improve prosocial behavior, improve academic achievement and improve school climate.

Following are the Sioux City Community Schools and award levels for which they were honored by the Northwest AEA.

EMERGING LEVEL: These schools completed training during the 2016-17 school year and developed all of the products needed to begin implementation. They were ready to roll out their PBIS plan in the fall of 2017.

Morningside STEM Elementary School

HONOR LEVEL: Schools that earn the Honor level award have rolled out their PBIS plan to students, staff and families. They have identified and taught behavioral expectations and implemented systems to develop a consistent response to appropriate and problem behaviors.

East High School

HONOR PLUS LEVEL: Honor Plus is awarded to schools that are implementing universal features with fidelity. Additionally, classroom systems and family/community involvement are included in their plan. These schools are developing Tier 2 systems and have defined a decision rule to identify students who may benefit from additional supports.

Hunt Elementary School

Loess Hills Elementary School

BANNER LEVEL: Banner schools are sustaining universal systems and practices. Students are accessing interventions such as Check in/Check out and 50% are responding positively to the support. The Tier 2 team engages families and staff; and uses a daily progress report to progress monitor student response to additional supports.

North High School

BANNER PLUS LEVEL: To earn Banner Plus, teams have met fidelity for Tier 2, are providing more than one Tier 2 intervention to meet students’ needs; and through progress monitoring, are able to show that 70% of students are responding positively to Tier 2 supports. Banner Plus schools are beginning to develop Tier 3 systems.

Spalding Park Elementary School