
April 14, 2018 #SuccessorySaturday

#SuccessorySaturday – Bryant Elementary

Bryant Elementary students recognize educators who help them succeed.

Jeffrey Reed, Building Service Tech:

“Thank you for cleaning the school every day, plowing snow, and working really hard. I want you to know that we appreciate you and everything you do for our school.”

Mary Olorundami, Teacher:

“Thank you for being such a great teacher. You always plan fun surprised and I like how funny you are.”

Sandra Heimgartner, Teacher:

“Thank you for always helping me when I don’t understand something and for just being there for me.”

Tina Cobbs, Teacher:

“Thank you for being my teacher and helping me love to learn. You were always there for me.”

Tova Natwick, Teacher:

“Thank you for teaching me that it is okay to make mistakes. When I struggled with grades you made me feel better and want to improve.”