
April 6, 2018 #SuccessorySaturday

#SuccessorySaturday – Perry Creek Elementary

Perry Creek Elementary & Clark Early Childhood Center students recognize educators who help them succeed.

Amy Denney, Principal & Kimberly O’Shea, Assistant. Principal:

“Thank you for helping us stay happy and focused. You guys make a pretty good team!”

Trisha Drees, Library Assistant:

“Thank you for running the library and always being so helpful when we come to get books.”

Lisa Frink, Teacher:

“Thank you for teaching me to love school! You’ve also taught me to love helping others.”

Rochelle Greigg, Teacher:

“Thank you for challenging me and encouraging me to never give up. You’ve shaped me into the student I am today.”

Heather Hensley, Teacher:

“Thank you for making me better at the activities we do in P.E. You never give up on me.”

Kathleen Keane, Teacher:

“Thank you for teaching me to read because it has made me who I am today. I love it!”

Darrell Langley, Counselor:

“Thank you for teaching me about how to prevent bullying and how to be a good person.”

Robert Maaske, Building Service Tech:

“Thank you for keeping our school clean every day and for every little thing you do that we don’t always see.”

Melinda Mahnke, Teacher:

“Thank you for showing me I can achieve any goal I put my mind to. You made learning so fun for me.”