
June 6, 2018 Academics

SCCSD chosen for new Digital Equity program

Digital Equity training

School may be out and students are enjoying a few months off, but Sioux City’s teachers are still working hard.

The program focuses on districts who are in rural parts of the country and have a significant percentage of high needs student and now they are just one of two districts that have been chosen for a case study.

“One of the things that I think sets Sioux City apart is that they’ve started small and they’re constantly thinking about ways to expand their programming and so, we’re very thrilled to see that example actually happen in real time so that we can share that with other districts,” said Dr. Avril Smart, Future Ready Schools Research and Engagement Manager.

Teachers will participate in professional development workshops throughout the summer to prepare for the school year.

The goal is use technology as a tool to make education accessible to all students.

“We have just a vision of what we can provide and that goes from the school board to the superintendent and all the way down into the classroom. It was an honor to be selected and we’re proud to be a model for the nation,” said Associate Superintendent, Dr. Kim Buryanek.

Sioux City Schools have been apart of the Nation’s Future Ready schools since the beginning in 2014.