
May 1, 2019

The Build My Future event showed students the construction industy

If your teenager is contemplating a career, construction could be the answer. Hundreds of Siouxland high school students spent the day learning about what the construction industry has to offer.

“It’s pretty cool because we get to try out all these new things that most kids don’t even know that they could attend to in a career,” said Haley Kaiser from East High.

These Siouxland high school students are learning what their future could look like, in the construction industry.

“The kids are our future and we got to keep the kids in Siouxland to keep Siouxland growing and one way we are going to do that is by having events like build my future for these young people to come out and see what is available in Siouxland to keep them here and have them raise their families,” said Kent Grange, the director of business development for Thompson Electric.

Many students were inspired by the event.

View the full story on KCAU.