Lamb Theatre showcases high school intern’s play
Sunday Lamb Theater held one of three shows to honor and showcase the hard work of their high school intern. Bonnie Schuur said she has taken classes and worked with the Lamb Theater for years now. It’s where she cultivated a love for theater. Wanting to learn more and get involved even at a young age, she pursued an internship that ended up putting her center stage.
“It’s just fun,” said Schuur.
Four days a week Bonnie Schuur has been putting down her school books and picking up playbooks, working on her future in theater.
“The Career Academy actually contacted us and say, ‘Hey, how would you feel if we were to do some kind of internship?’ So we actually had a couple of students that were interested, but really, Bonnie was the one that took the most initiative with it, and we really just hit the ground running,” said Brock Bourek with the Lamb Theater.
But Schuur’s eyes weren’t on the stage, but behind it, finding a passion for making the show go on.
“Because of this internship, I got to sit down and figure out the paperwork and contact everybody and email them saying hey this is when their next rehearsal is which is what professional stage managers do,” said Schuur.
With the help of Lamb Theater Bonnie put on an entire show of one-acts together, getting professional experience while still in high school.
“She is doing stuff the entire time that it is going on and I always say a good stage manager should never be acknowledged for their work that they do. Their best job when you don’t even know they are doing their job,” said Bourek.
It’s a job Schuur wants to go into one day with plans to go to the University of Nebraska Omaha for Stage Management next year.
“She’s gonna be able to take what she has learned and adapt it to what she needs and how she can grow and develop it herself as a stage manager in the future,” said Bourek.
“I knew like some of the people coming into this, yet half of the people I had never met so working with both was really fun,” said Schuur.
If you would like to see the play Bonnie Shuur put on you still have time. The last showing will take the stage Monday night at 7 p.m. at the Lamb Theater.