COVID-19 Reporting

The Sioux City Community School District is committed to maintaining transparent communication with our local community and families.

Look to this webpage for weekly updates regarding the reports of positive cases for students and staff that were in attendance in the District. Learn more about our health and safety protocols.

New Positive Cases Confirmed by Students/Staff that Attended School This Week

This section of the report will continue to detail the number of reported positive cases for staff and students that have been in attendance at school during the week.

For the week of February 1 – February 5:
StudentsThe Sioux City Community School District has 0 reports of positive COVID-19 cases from students who attended school.
StaffThe Sioux City Community School District has 4 reports of positive COVID-19 cases from staff who attended school.

(Updated: 2/5/2021 @ 3:30 p.m.) Disclaimer: The information set forth above is for informational purposes only. This information is based on reports to the District from other sources which have not been independently verified.

Emergency Response Virtual Learning/Closures

Week of February 1:

  • No classes were moved to emergency response Virtual Learning this week

Student and Staff Absence Data

This section of the report is reflective of districtwide data detailing daily absences and the reason reported for the absence.  Each building in the District would have reported absences and be encompassed in this report. Each day’s total does not indicate new cases. Each day’s total only indicates the total absences for the day. For COVID positive and quarantine columns, the same individuals would be included in each daily total for the duration of the time the person is absent. These numbers are subject to change after originally being published, as parents/guardians have up to two days to report the reason for absence.

The following data reflects daily attendance of all students and staff. On Tuesday, January 26, there was no school due to the weather.

Week of January 25:

Students COVID positiveStudents QuarantineStudents Excused Parent Requests (EPR) – Non-COVIDStudents Other IllnessTeachers, Admin, Counselors, Secretaries, Nurses, Paras COVID PositiveTeachers, Admin, Counselors, Secretaries, Nurses, Paras QuarantineOther Staff COVID PositiveOther Staff Quarantine

Week of February 1:

Students COVID positiveStudents QuarantineStudents Excused Parent Requests (EPR) – Non-COVIDStudents Other IllnessTeachers, Admin, Counselors, Secretaries, Nurses, Paras COVID PositiveTeachers, Admin, Counselors, Secretaries, Nurses, Paras QuarantineOther Staff COVID PositiveOther Staff Quarantine

Contact Tracing

For each positive case reported, contact tracing is done in conjunction with Siouxland District Health. A Siouxland District Health official or school official will notify a close contact to explain they may have been exposed to COVID-19, provide information on symptoms, and encourage them to self-quarantine, if needed, to prevent the spread of the disease. View more information about defining close contacts of a COVID-19 positive case.

Only individuals that are identified as close contacts will be notified about positive COVID-19 cases in the District. Appropriate actions will be taken, in accordance with District protocol, to thoroughly clean, sanitize, and disinfect any impacted areas. Classes will continue for those who have not been identified as close contacts, unless announced otherwise.

At times, the number of individuals impacted by COVID-19 may necessitate the District to close a classroom, building section, or entire building. If a closure is announced and a subset of students are moved to emergency response Virtual Learning, then further communication will be shared.