Hybrid Learning Safety Precautions


In order to limit risk of exposure and minimize traffic in school buildings, the District is limiting access in our buildings. At the start of the year, volunteers and visitors will not be permitted in school buildings. Parents/guardians will not be able to visit classrooms. A parent/guardian’s request to enter a building for special circumstances will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Social Distancing

  • Since only 50% of on-site learners will be in a building at any given time, schools will be able to increase social distancing practices.
  • To the extent possible, classrooms have been reconfigured to manage social distancing and limit group stations.
  • Class dismissal will be adjusted to limit traffic in the hallway.
  • Class and lunch seating will be rearranged to allow distancing and expand the utilization of space.
  • Staff supervision will be increased to reinforce safe practices.
  • Plexiglass barriers have been installed for staff members who interact with the public on a more frequent basis, such as school offices.

Masks/Face Coverings

All teachers, staff, and students will be required to wear a face mask or face shield that covers their mouth and nose while on District grounds. Masks are required in the classrooms, when moving throughout the building, during recess, and on District transportation.

Students may remove face masks when:

  • Eating or Drinking
  • Engaged in an approved activity that also allows social distancing of at least 6 feet
  • Approved by a teacher for instructional purposes

When masks are removed, they must be placed below the chin, in a pocket, or on the lap. Masks should not be placed on tabletops or other communal surfaces.

Teachers will have the discretion to remove a mask while teaching if they are able to maintain social distancing.

Acceptable masks include disposable masks, reusable cloth masks, and cloth scarves. Bandanas are not allowed. Masks must be in compliance with the code of conduct and cannot be inappropriate or derogatory in nature.

Cleaning Protocols

  • The number and location of sanitization stations (hand sanitizer) have been increased throughout buildings and classrooms. Students are also encouraged to bring their own hand sanitizer.
  • Safety signage has been strategically placed in classrooms and throughout the building to reinforce healthy hand hygiene, social distancing reminders, and reminders about how to stop the spread of illness.
  • Drinking fountains are limited to bottle filling use only. Students are encouraged to bring a labeled water bottle to fill throughout the day. Please talk to your child about the importance of not sharing or using another student’s water bottle.
  • As an extra safety measure, students and staff will be expected to bring a mask or shield to school daily. There may be times where teachers allow masks to be removed in classrooms, but wearing masks is required while on District transportation, or in the building.
  • Air ventilation and circulation of outside air into buildings will increase through HVAC systems.
  • Daily and weekly cleaning protocols are planned using EPA registered chemicals for disinfection.
  • Desks in classrooms will be disinfected when students switch classes.
  • Special attention is being placed to disinfect high-touch points in buildings.
  • Restrooms, communal spaces, front desks, and lobby areas will be enhanced areas of focus for cleaning.