Wednesday Schedule for Hybrid Learning

While the District operates using the Hybrid Learning model, students will attend school on-site Mondays and Thursdays or Tuesdays and Fridays. On Wednesdays, students can come to school or contact staff for additional support. Wednesday support begins on September 2. Below is the schedule outlining when students can access support. Times are assigned according to students’ last names.


8:00-9:00am              A-G

9:00-10:00am            H-M

10:00-11:00am            N-S

11:00-12:00pm           T-Z

Middle School

7:15-8:15                    A-G

8:15-9:15                    H-M

9:15-10:15                  N-S

10:15-11:15                 T-Z

High School

7:25-8:25                    A-G

8:25-9:25                    H-M

9:25-10:25                  N-S

10:25-11:25                 T-Z

In the afternoon, staff will be involved in grade-level and content collaboration and professional development.