Board Orientation

Code Number: 200.8

During the period of their candidacy, all candidates will be urged to attend, and be welcomed at, public meetings of the board. All public information about the school system will be made available to them.

Candidates, if they wish, will be given the opportunity to meet or visit the Superintendent of Schools. The Board considers it important that a new Board member be knowledgeable about school governance and operations, and insofar as possible, prepared to discuss and cast informed votes on matters before the Board from the time he or she is sworn into office.

Board member orientation should include as many of the following activities as is practicable:

  1. An orientation meeting with the Superintendent and the Board President;
  2. Meetings with District directors, as the Superintendent deems useful;
  3. An orientation to Board policies and administrative procedures; and
  4. An opportunity to attend workshops conducted by the Iowa Association of School Boards, and the Urban Education Network of Iowa.

First Adoption:
Revision Adoption:
August 12, 1997/ September 10, 2002/ July 20, 2009/ January 23, 2012/ June 12, 2017


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