Curriculum Review, Development, and Assessment

Code Number: 602.8

Curriculum development is an ongoing process that embraces research, design, and assessment.
Research is the inquiry and critical investigation of the various content areas for the purpose of revising and improving curriculum and instruction based on relevant information pertaining to the discipline. The study is conducted both internally to determine what and how we are currently doing at the local level effectively and externally to examine national standards and current research. Design is the deliberate process of planning and selecting the standards, based on the Iowa Core, as well as the instructional strategies that will improve the learning experiences for all students. Assessment involves the process in which instruction and learning are continuously appraised.

A systematic approach to curriculum development (research, design, and articulation of the curriculum) serves several purposes:

  • Focuses attention on the content standards of each discipline.
  • Identifies student expectations that are rigorous, challenging, and represent the most important learning for our students.
  • Facilitates communication and coordination.
  • Improves classroom instruction through the adoption of high-quality curricular resources.

In making recommendations to the Board, the Superintendent or his/her designee shall propose curricula that will meet the following criteria:

  • Fulfill the mission statement of the District.
  • Promote the understanding of cultural differences and similarities, tolerance, and a globally interdependent view of the world.
  • Effectively meet and exceed the Iowa Core standards.
  • Reflect on the educational and operational needs of the District.
  • Assess student achievement of exit level performance and program standards at certain benchmarks in time.
  • Be driven by exit level performance and program standards.
  • Identify minimum program standards for each course/grade level.
  • Articulate course of study for Preschool through Grade 12.
  • Assess student achievement of program/course level standards using formative and summative methods.
  • Provide remediation and enrichment programs based on student achievement of standards at specific benchmarks in time.

The Standards and Benchmarks (newly developed or a major revision) must be approved by the Board before being implemented.

Stage One: Research and assess current status

  • Develop a curriculum committee.
  • Analyze District data and investigate its use by buildings.
  • Collect and analyze perception data from parents and students.
  • Review state and national data.
  • Summarize and transmit current research on best practices.
  • Conduct needs assessment.
  • Analyze data from the needs assessment.

Stage Two: Refine/develop curriculum

  • Review beliefs, mission, vision, and philosophy.
  • Critique current standards and benchmarks as an essential skills framework based on Iowa Core, as a minimum.
  • Make revisions, as necessary (based on current research).
  • Communicate revisions to stakeholders.
  • Identify appropriate instructional strategies.

Stage Three: Study and recommend resources

  • Develop ad hoc curriculum/textbook committee.
  • Review current textbooks/resources.
  • Designate specifications for textbooks/resources.
    • At a minimum, the committees should consider the following areas when selecting textbooks and resources for curriculum delivery.
      • Accuracy, rigor, focus on multi-cultural approach, ability to differentiate for individual learners, instruction in the area of critical thinking, focus on respect for others, professional development, and a review of the publisher’s service and professionalism.
  • Determine methods for the investigation of different resources.
  • Presentations given by company reps, if appropriate.
  • Select resources through committee consensus.
  • Give purchase recommendations to the Board of Education.
  • Formulate budget proposals for curriculum writing and professional development.
  • Write/refine ancillary guides: curriculum maps, assessments.
  • Plan future professional development.
  • Communicate to stakeholders.

Stage Four: Implementation

  • Distribution of textbooks/resources.
  • Provide professional development on the implementation of resources with instructional strategies.
  • Survey teachers at the year’s end for the determination of additional PD needs.
  • Assess student progress through District developed formative and summative assessments.

Stages Five-Seven: Monitor and evaluate curriculum

  • Analyze teacher surveys.
  • Continue professional development based on data and surveys.
  • Analyze student data based on Iowa Assessment performance levels:
    • Advanced level
    • Proficient level
    • Not proficient level
    • Based on a national standard score

First Adoption:
Revision Adoption:
April 9, 1996/ December 12, 2000/ September 22, 2008/ January 25, 2010/ March 28, 2011/ March 11, 2013/ April 13, 2015/ December 9, 2019
Reviewed Dates:
October 21, 2019/ November 18, 2019
Legal Reference:
20 U.S.C. § 1232h
34 C.F.R. Pt. 98
Iowa Code §§216.9; 256.7; 279.8; 280.3
281 I.A.C. 12.5, .8


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