Code Number: 100.01
The Sioux City Community School District will be recognized by:
Preparing Students for Success
Our purpose is to effectively utilize community resources to provide students the maximum opportunity for life success. We are committed to the development of each student’s individual skill sets to enhance
knowledge, optimize potential, and build character through personal accountability.
Standards, Expectations, and Achievement
Our goal is to challenge our students, empower our staff, and visibly communicate our progress. Our
achievements are the result of high standards, clear expectations, and timely benchmarks.
Leading in a Changing World
Our vision is to develop citizens who are prepared to succeed in a changing world. We must learn from our history and positively embrace the challenges of the future.
Embracing our Diversity
Our commitment is to celebrate our diversity and utilize our cultural, social, and community resources while embracing changes to enhance student learning.
Parent Involvement and Community Confidence
Our responsibility is held within our stakeholders: our students; parents/guardians; educators and
community as a whole. We must encourage participation, empower our educators, and openly celebrate
our teaching opportunities and successes.
- First Adoption:
- 1998-04-14
- Revision Adoption:
- August 17, 2004/ July 20, 2009/ September 8, 2014/ March 14, 2016
- Legal Reference:
- Iowa Code §§ 256.11 (2013)