Code Number: 305.4
The Board believes that professional development for its Superintendent and Administrative Team is important.
The Board further believes that it is the responsibility of those persons in administrative positions to provide the most efficient and up-to-date educational leadership, and that administrative personnel should be given the opportunity to attend state, regional, and/or national educational conferences, and obtain the best in knowledge, experience, and skills of all involved in educational procedures.
Administrators will follow current District procedures for requesting professional leave. The Superintendent or his/her designee will consider each request for attendance at state, regional, and/or national educational conferences based on the District’s ability to fund the request and the relationship the conference has with District school improvement goals and long-range strategic plan. The Board President will consider requests from the Superintendent for his/her own professional leave. Preference will be given to administrators who are serving in positions to provide leadership on topics of greatest need for meeting the District’s achievement goals and also to those administrators whose individual growth plan designates a need for such professional training.
The Board and the Superintendent and/or his/her representative should have representation at the Urban Education Network events and the Iowa and National School Boards Conferences.
- First Adoption:
- 1983-10-11
- Revision Adoption:
- August 18, 1998/ May 11, 2004/ January 26, 2009/ March 12, 2012/ April 10, 2017
- Legal Reference:
Iowa Code § 279.8 (2013).
281 I.A.C. 12.7.