Student Activity Program

Code Number: 602.7

Participation in school activities is a privilege. No student is obligated to participate in these activities and participation is not required for advancement or for graduation. Students wanting to participate in school activities must meet the requirements set out by the District for such participation, understand that they are ambassadors of the District, and conduct themselves in accordance with all applicable Codes of Conduct.

School activities provide the benefits of developing additional interests and abilities of the students during their school years and beyond. When scheduling student activities, it is the District’s intent to prioritize the instructional component.

Male and female students will have equitable opportunities for participation in intramural or interscholastic athletic activity. Equitable opportunity means that there will be an equal number of options for male and female students. There is no requirement that boys and girls be allowed to play on each other’s teams when there are comparable alternative activities available.

A high school student who participates in school-sponsored activities may participate in non-school sponsored activities during the same season and shall follow the rules set forth by the Iowa High School Athletic Association, the Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union, or any other association that oversees such activities. Such outside participation shall not conflict with the school-sponsored activity.

[Cross Reference: Board Policies 103 and 503.6; AR 103(b); Student Code of Conduct; High School Activity Code; Middle School Sports Code]

First Adoption:
Revision Adoption:
April 9, 1996/ January 27, 1998/ April 12, 2005/ July 12, 2010/ November 10, 2014/ April 8, 2019
Reviewed Dates:
March 18, 2019
Legal Reference:
20 U.S.C. §§1681,1687 (Title IX)
29 U.S.C. § 794 (Section 504)
42 U.S.C. § 2000d (Title VI)
34 C.F.R. Parts 100; 104;106.31, .33, .41
Iowa Code §§280.13-.14; 216.9
281 I.A.C §12.6


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