Website Update/Change Request Form

Website Update/Change Request Form

  • All new requests submitted as a PDF (ex. schedules, flyers, athletic stats, etc.) must be turned into a new page for ADA compliance. If you are uploading a PDF as a new request, select "New Page." For requests regarding forms, please contact the Communications department directly.
  • If NO, what are the dates needed?
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Please provide a complete address of the page to be changed, i.e.,
  • If you have external links that need to be added to a page or changed, please provide the URL and a description, i.e. Add "Outlook" to the resource list at the bottom of the page (URL: NOTE: Wix sites, WordPress sites, or other self-made resource sites will no be accepted. All SCCSD-related information and resources must live on the SCCSD website.
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, png, Max. file size: 20 MB.
      All JPG and PNG file names must reflect the image accurately.
    • Provide the file name of any images uploaded above and an appropriate caption for each. (ex. "Bryant Field Day 2020: Students in Mrs. Jones Kindergarten Class participate in field day activities on the playground.")
    • By clicking the submit button you agree to open a new Web Update/Change Request. All requests are processed by the Communications department within two business days.